Hack School
Week 1: HTML

Week 1: HTML

What is HTML?

Before we start, we would like to mention that this section is indeed long, and contains a lot of information. However, we hope that the examples provided help clarify the concepts prevented!

HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language, is the standard "language" used for creating websites (note: it is not actually a programming language, it is a markup language). It is the foundation of web development, and allows you to include text, and media such as images, videos, links, etc to your website. It is often paired up with CSS and JavaScript to add styles and functionality respectively. The job of your HTML code is to describe the appearance of your web page.

To achieve this, HTML code comprises of "html elements". These denote the structural semantics for your text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, images and more. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and come in pairs: an opening tag and a closing tag. The content between the opening and closing tags defines the element.

Text formatting and Hyperlinks in HTML

Fundamentals of HTML Text

Maintaining the structural hierarchy of the content is essential when creating an HTML website. Different HTML tags tell the browser how to distinguish between various elements such as paragraphs and headings. More interestingly, search engines take into account the headings as keywords, when indexing pages! In addition, for easily styling content using CSS and/or to add functionality using JavaScript, structuring things properly is essential -- this is because your content must be wrapped around the correct HTML tag to apply the appropriate property of interest.

<h1> ... <h6>Headings with decreasing levels of importance.
<p>Paragraphs of text.
<code>Inline code snippets.
<pre>Preformatted text, maintaining whitespace.
<blockquote>Block-level quotation from another source.
<cite>Citation of the title of a work.
<abbr>Abbreviation or acronym with explanation.
<mark>Highlighted or marked text.
<q>Inline quotation.
<var>Variable or placeholder text.
<kbd>Keyboard input or user action.
<samp>Sample output or data.

We reccomened you try these examples on your own!

   <h1>Large Heading</h1>
   <h2>Not so large Heading</h2>
   <h3>Smaller Heading</h3>
   <h4> Small Heading</h4>
   <h5> Smaller Heading</h5>
   <h6> Tiny Heading</h6>
   <blockquote> Hi! I am a blockquote.</blockquote>
      I am the pre tag, and I maintain whitespaces! 
      For instance, here is a binary search tree diagram! 
      /    \  
     16        57
   /  \      /   \
  8    21   42    66
   <mark> Look at me! I am highlighted!</mark>
   <p> Press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> to copy this code!</p>

These will be displayed as:


Text Formatting

There are various HTML tags that can be used to format text. Here are some of the important ones:

<strong> ... </strong> or <b> ... </b>Bold Text
<em>...</em> or <i>...</i>Italic Text
<u>...</u>Underlined Text
<s> ...</s> or <del>...</del>Strikethrough


Hyperlinks play a significant role in enabling users to move seamlessly between different web pages. To achieve this, we make use of a tool known as the "anchor tag." While this tag is commonly employed to create connections to external websites and resources, it also allows you to navigate within the same webpage. Here is how you can implement a hyperlink:

<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat">Cat Wiki</a>

Here, href stands for Hypertext Reference or target, and contains the web address you wish to direct to. You can also make images "clickable". To do this, you will need:

<a href="https://www.somewebsite.com">
   <img src="kitten_image.jpg" alt="cat photo">


You will often feel the need to list items. There are two kinds of lists you can make in HTML -- ordered or unordered.

Unordered List

  <li>Siamese Cat</li>
  <li>Persian Cat</li>
  <li>American Shorthair</li>
  <li>Bongo cat</li>

As you can see in the image below, we get bullet points with no specific ordering:


Ordered List

  <li>American Pitbull Terrier</li>
  <li>Great Dane</li>

However, often times an order is important. This is why HTML provides ordered lists as well. You can include an ordered list by including the list elements in between the <ol> <\ol> tags:

This is displayed as:



You can embed your images in your webpage with a <img> tag. Elements whose tags don't have a closing tag, are called void elements. An example is the <img> tag. If your image is saved in the same directory as your HTML page, then you can include it as follows:

<img src="pow.jpg" alt="Pow Pow" />

However, if your image is not in the same directory as your HTML file, then you will have to include its path in the src field. Let's suppose I have a photo of a kitten in my cats folder. I can include it by:

<img src="cats/kitten.png" alt="Meow" />


The alt text is supposed to be a textual description of the image. It is used when the image cannot be properly rendered due to external problems. When including images in your HTML page, always make sure you own the image, or have permission to use it. Most images released under a permissive license, such as MIT, BSD, or a suitable Creative Commons (CC) license can be used freely.


Tables are always a great way to organize content. Luckily, HTML allows one to arrange text, images, links etc. in a tabular format.

  • <table>...</table> is wraps the entire table
  • <tr>...</tr> is the table row.
  • <td>...</td> is the table cell.
  • <th>...</th> is the table header.
  • The border = 1 attribute controls the width of your table's border

HTML table row elements contain the cell elements. The table header tags are nested inside the first HTML table row element. Here is a basic example:

<table border="1">
            <th>Cat Breed</th> <! -- Heading column 1 -->
            <th>Location of origin </th> <! -- Heading column 2 -->
            <td> British Shorthair </td>  <! -- Row 2, column 1 -->
            <td>the United Kingdom</td>  <! -- Row 2, column 2 -->
            <td>Chartreux</td> <! -- Row 3, column 1 -->
            <td>Siberian </td>
            <td>Russia, Ukraine</td> 

This is what it would render as:

table example 1

Colspan and Rowspan

You can use the colspan attribute if you want to merge two or more columns into one. Furthermore, you can use the rowspan attribute if you want to merge two or more rows into one.

Cellpadding and Cellspacing The cellspacing attribute defines space between table cells while the cellpadding represents the distance between cell borders and the content within a cell.

Let's add some of these properties to our table!

<table border="1" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "5" >
            <th>Cat Breed</th> 
            <th>Location of origin </th> 
            <td rowspan = "3"> Europe</td>
            <td> British Shorthair </td>  
            <td>the United Kingdom</td>  
            <td>Sokoke </td>

This is what it would render as:

table example 1


All HTML elements can have attributes. They dont need to, but attributes tend to give the elements some personality. HTML attributes contain additional information about an element and appear inside the opening tag to control the element's behaviour. HTML attributes are a modifier of an HTML element type. In addition, they always appear as name value pairs.

For instance when using <img src="cats/kitten.png" alt="Meow" /> to include an image on our webpage, we have that src is an attribute of the image tag. Another example is when we made an HTML table using, <table border="1" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "5" > ...</table>. Here, the border, cellpadding and cellspacing are all attributes of the HTML table element.

There are three main types of attributes -- required, standard and event attributes. There are a lot of HTML attributes, but we will be going over the most important ones.

Required Attributes

Required attribues are essential for the element to have a valid and meaningful representation on a web page. Without these, certain elements do not work. Here is a list of some of the important ones:

AttributeDescriptionCommon Tags
srcSpecifies the source URL for media elements.<img>, <source>, <track>
hrefSpecifies the URL for hyperlinks.<a>, <area>, <link>
altProvides alternative text for media elements.<img>, <area>

Standard Attributes

Standard Attributes are also sometimes refered to as "Global Attrbutes". These attribues should work with most HTML elements. Following is a table of some common, useful HTML attributes and the HTML tags that they can be used with:

AttributeDescriptionCommon Tags
classUsed for classifying elements. Can have multiple classnames. Can match elements by class for styling purposes.All HTML elements
idSpecifies a document-wide unique identifier for an element. Can be used as a CSS selector.All HTML elements
styleApplies inline CSS styles to an element.All HTML elements
widthSets the width of an element (e.g., images).<img>, <table>, <canvas>
heightSets the height of an element (e.g., images).<img>, <table>, <canvas>
colspanSpecifies the number of columns an element spans.<td>, <th> (table cells)
rowspanSpecifies the number of rows an element spans.<td>, <th> (table cells)
disabledDisables user interaction with an element.<input>, <button>, <select>
readonlyMakes input elements read-only.<input>, <textarea>
checkedPre-selects checkboxes or radio buttons.<input type="checkbox">, <input type="radio">
selectedPre-selects an option in a dropdown.<option> (within <select>)
placeholderProvides a hint to users in input fields.<input>, <textarea>
requiredMarks input fields as mandatory.<input>, <select>, <textarea>
aria-labelAdds accessibility labels for screen readers.All HTML elements
data-*Custom data attributes for storing data.All HTML elements
targetSpecifies where a link should open (e.g., _blank).<a>, <base>
relDescribes the relationship between linked documents.<a>, <link>

Note: Keep the class and id in mind since these are heavily used in the CSS section!

Event Attributes

The standard attributes include the "event handler attributes", and enable you to associate JavaScript code with specific events that occur on an HTML element. These could be "events" such as hovering over an element, clicking an element, keyboard inputs, dragging things and more. Some important event attributes include onclick , onclick , onload, onsubmit etc.

For example, if you have an HTML button element, and you wanted to do something when the button is clicked, you could do something as follows:

<button onclick="doSomethingFunction()">Click Here!</button>

So in this case when you click the button, the doSomethingFunction() gets triggered. This could be implemented in a separate JavaScript file, or within a style tag.

<div> <\div> and <span> <\span>

The div (division) element is a generic block-level element. You should use this to organize your content into distingushable blocks. These are also useful when you want to apply a specific style to a chunk of content. In that case, you can simply wrap the content of interest around the div tag.

<div id=โ€œimportant_infoโ€>
    <p>Notion is the best way to take notes.</p>
    <p>Notion helps you be organized.</p>
    <p>We <3 Notion</p>    

Similarly (but not so similarly), span is a generic inline element. Just like the div tag, span supports all global attributes in HTML. This means that you can add classnames and ids to these HTML elements to control and modify them. For example, if I want to make only one word in a sentence appear brown, I can do something like this:

<p> My golden retriever has <span style="color:brown">brown</span> eyes.</p>

This would render as follows:


The important thing to note here is that although div and span have similar functions, they give us a different degree of control over the content of our HTML page.

Getting User Input

HTML Form Element

An HTML form element can be used to allow the user to input data, which can then be sent to the server for doing other things.


The form element is a container for different input elements.

HTML Input Element

The <input> element represents a typed data field, usually with a form control to allow the user to edit the data. This element has a type attribute, which helps us determine what kind of data the form takes. This, for instance, could be anything from text, images, pdfs etc. Here are some of the important ones:

<input type="text">A single-line text input field where users can enter text or data.
<input type="radio">A radio button that allows users to select one option from a group of choices. Only one radio button in a group can be selected at a time.
<input type="checkbox">A checkbox that allows users to select >= 0 options from a group of choices. Users can select multiple checkboxes.
<input type="submit">A submit button within a form, which, when clicked, sends the form data to a server for processing. Typically used to submit forms.
<input type="button">A clickable button that can trigger JavaScript functions or perform other actions defined by the developer. It's not associated with form submission by default.

HTML Button Element

Instead of having an input element of type button, you can also just have an HTML button element. Although the button element has a lot of different global and event attributes, it is reccomened to specify the button type. Here are some examples:

<button type="button">I'm a regular button.</button>
<button type="reset">I'm a reset button.</button>
<button type="submit">I'm a submit button.</button>

Some important global button attributes include:

accesskeySpecifies a keyboard shortcut to activate or focus the button.
autofocusSpecifies that the button should automatically have focus when the page loads.
disabledDisables the button, preventing user interaction.
formAssociates the button with a specific <form> element.
formactionOverrides the <form> element's action URL for form submission.
formenctypeSpecifies the encoding type for form data when submitting.
formmethodSpecifies the HTTP method to use when submitting the form.
formnovalidateDisables form validation when the button is clicked.
formtargetSpecifies where to display the response after form submission.
nameSpecifies a name for the button, used when submitting form data.
typeSpecifies the type of button (e.g., "submit", "reset", "button").
valueSpecifies an initial value for the button (used in form submissions).

In addition, some important event button attributes include:

onclickDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when the button is clicked.
ondblclickDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when the button is double-clicked.
onmousedownDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when the button is pressed down.
onmouseupDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when the button is released.
onmouseenterDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when the mouse enters the button's area.
onmouseleaveDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when the mouse leaves the button's area.
onkeydownDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when a key is pressed down while the button is focused.
onkeyupDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when a key is released while the button is focused.
onfocusDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when the button receives focus.
onblurDefines a JavaScript function to be executed when the button loses focus.

Dropdown Menus

You can use the <select> element to create a dropdown menu. The <select> element wraps around multiple option elements, which represent an option in the dropdown menu. The value attribute defines the value realted to a given option. Most global attributes such as class and id can be used with the select tag.

You can also use boolean attributes such as disabled to display an option, but not allow the users to use it. Here is an example of a a drop down menu:

<select name="cats" id="cats">
  <option value="doggo" disabled>woof</option>
  <option value="bengal_cat">Bengal Cat</option>
  <option value="minskin_cat">Minskin Cat</option>
  <option value="persian_cat" selected>Persian Cat</option>

As you can see, the selected value is the "Persian Cat", therefore, we see that it is the value that appears even when the dropdown menu is closed.


Moreover, the disabled option, "woof" appears gray.


Website Structure

Most web pages tend to share some standard components such as headers, navigation bars, sidebars, main content etc. It is a good practice to organize and implement sections of your code depending on the functionality. To implement such semantic markup, html has a variety of HTML layout tags. We will be going over some of them in detail.


The <header> element represents a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links.

  <h1> 10 Reasons to get a Cat </h1>
  <h2>1. Cats are superior. </h2>
      <p>blah blah blah <\p>

You can wrap the header around an <article> tag. This tag is used to separate out a block of related content.

Navigation Bar

It is often a good idea to put all important links in one portion of the page so that it is easy for the users to navigate within a page. To achieve this, you can utilize the HTML <nav> tag. Typically, you would want to use this as a "table of contents", and should only put major links here. Overcrowding the navbar can defeat the purpose of having it in the first place.

Here is a basic example of a navbar with an unordered list:

<nav class="cat-list">
    <li><a href="#">Cat Breeds</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Cat Food</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Memes</a></li>
<nav class="dog-list">
    <li class="crumb"><a href="#">Potential Pup Names</a></li>
    <li class="crumb"><a href="#">Dog Treats</a></li>
    <li class="crumb">Sweaters</li>

Main Content

The <main> tag is used for content unique to the current page. It is used only once in an HTML document, and is found directly inside the <body> tag.

The <section> HTML element represents a generic standalone section of a document. It does nto really have any other semantic meaning, other than just being a section of an HTML document. This typically contains a heading inside it.


If you wish to include a footer in your webpage, you can use the footer tag as follows:

    <p> Author: Someone at ACM</p>
    <p>Contact us: contact@acmucsd.org </p>
    <p>Medium: <a href="https://medium.com/acmucsd"> Medium Link</a> </p>
    <p>Instagram: @acm.ucsd </p>



We will now be combining everything that we have learned so far into one HTML document! Here is where you can start:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title> ACM Hack School</title>
    <p> Welcome to Hack School 2023 </p>

The doctype is a historical artifact that needs to be included for everything else to work right. The <html></html> tags wrap all the other content on our page! The <meta> element contains all our "metadata" . This is basically all other data like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>, which you cannot directly put/represent in your HTML document. The "charset" attribute specifies the character encoding for your document as UTF-8, and contains most characters you will ever need. The <body> <\body> tags contain all the rest of our content! :)

Bonus: TeX on HTML

Congratulations! You have made it through the HTML section! Here is an additional bonus section to learn how to include math equations to your HTML Page. Note that this is a completely optional section.

We encourage you to stop using screenshots and images to display equations on HTML documents. Instead, use MathJax.

MathJax is a JavaScript library that renders LaTeX math expressions on your web page. Note that you will need to have some familiarity with laTeX to make the most out of this. You can look at this wikipedia page (opens in a new tab) to look up relevant symbols.

First, you need to include the MathJax library in the <head> as follows:

  <script src="https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML"></script>

Then, everytime you want an inline equation, wrap the LaTeX expression around \( and \). If you want to display an equation in the middle of the page, use $$

  <p>This is an inline equation: \(\Phi_{P_i}(x) = x^{2}+ x^{3}+ x^{5} + x^{7} + x^{11} + ... \)</p>
  <p>This is a display equation:</p>
  [x^n] \Phi_{S}(x) =  [x^n] \sum\limits_{j=0}^{2j- n} \binom{2j-n}{j} x^{n+k} 

This would render as:
