Hack School
Welcome to ACM Hack School!

Welcome to Hack School!

What is ACM's Hack School?

Hack School is a quarter-long, full-stack web development bootcamp. It's designed to help beginners and experienced developers alike build a web application in just 6 workshops!

What will I learn?

Our Hack School project is built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), which is a modern set of technologies for web development. We chose the MERN stack for its wide adoption in the development community, ease of use, and single-language knowledge (you only need to learn JavaScript)! Over the course of 6 workshops, we'll touch on concepts such as building user interfaces, server-side programming, and deploying your web application. There are absolutely no prerequisites for this course -- we've designed it so that you learn as you go through it!

How do I use this website?

Under the Hack School tab on the left, you'll find pages for every technology and concept we teach during Hack School, so you won't be missing out on any content. We'll be releasing content just before every workshop, so you can expect something new every week! Each page has a sidebar on the right that you can use to quickly navigate through the content. We've included code samples and links to relevant documentation to help you as you work through our material!